
  • L Ngweta, M Agarwal, S Maity, A Gittens, Y Sun, M Yurochkin. Aligners: Decoupling LLMs and Alignment. A short version was accepted as a Tiny Paper at the International Conference on Learning Representations (ICLR) 2024 (Oral).
    [Preprint] [Code]

  • L Ngweta*, S Maity*, A Gittens, Y Sun, M Yurochkin. Simple Disentanglement of Style and Content in Visual Representations. (*equal contribution). International Conference on Machine Learning (ICML) 2023.
    [Paper] [Code]

  • KP Bennett, L Ngweta, K Bhanot, JS Erickson. MortalityMinder: A Web Tool for Visualizing and Investigating Social Determinants of Premature Mortality in the United States. AMIA 2020.

  • L Ngweta, K Bhanot, A Maharaj, I Bogle and T Munasinghe. Identifying the Relationship between Precipitation and Zika Outbreaks in Argentina. IEEE International Conference on Big Data (Big Data) 2019.


  • LM Ngweta, S Ocepek, CM Adam, S Zeng, MF Bulut, MH Hernandez. Vulnerability and attack technique association. Filed on Oct 23, 2020. Granted on March 5, 2024. Patent number: US11924239B2

  • MF Bulut, AA Adebayo, LM Ngweta, T Dai, CM Adam, DM Sow, S Ocepek. Combining policy compliance and vulnerability management for risk assessment. Filed on Dec 08, 2021. Pending.